domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015

When will our leaders face up to the truth that the EU is a gigantic sham?

When will our leaders face up to the truth that the 
EU is a gigantic sham?

The ideas behind the European project look even more hollow in the wake of the devastating terrorist attack in Paris

By Janet Daley7:08PM GMT 21 Nov 2015

What is left of the European idea? Whatever indeterminate reassurances emerge from however many EU “summits” on security and shared intelligence, everybody must know that Paris was the end.
The disastrously uncoordinated response to the refugee crisis had already discredited the notion that this was a unified federation in which all member states had an equal voice. The grand verbiage of solidarity and cooperation simply dissolved when faced with a global humanitarian disaster – precisely the sort of event which the whole edifice was originally constructed to avert. And then, with Paris, it became horrifyingly obvious that the open borders policy – the most sacred of the EU founding principles – was unsustainable. As Abdelhamid Abaaoud and his army of butchers had clearly known all along, and the migrant-traffickers were able to promise their desperate customers, once you set foot on the holy ground of Europe you may as well be invisible.

"Why couldn’t the EU... produce a realistic plan for securing its external borders and dealing with the migrant influx?"

The failures of intelligence – about which European security agencies are now so exercised – may have been egregious but they were also inevitable. How can you track suspected terrorists across a continent which has not only dismantled boundaries but deconstructed the apparatus which allows nation states to monitor transit across their territory? When individual member states can unilaterally throw out the most basic agreements – as Germany did with the Dublin rules on asylum-seekers – why should anyone expect consistent, reliable cooperation on intelligence-gathering across national borders? Let alone any coherent, mutually agreed stand on the policing of external borders. After all, if there was such profound disagreement on migrant numbers – as there was between Germany and Hungary, for example – how likely was it that there could have been a policy on controlling external borders that would be acceptable to all member states?
The shambles that was the migrant crisis was predictably exploited by terrorists, but the chaos itself might have been avoided if separate nations had been dealing with migration instead of being forced to accept the consequences of the EU’s failure to act. All attempts to institute some organised response to mass migration collapsed with mortifying speed. Remember the “re-location” solution, complete with enforced quotas on member countries? That was met with outright refusals – and anyway, nobody had bothered to figure out who would enforce the “enforcement”.

Then there was the attempt to bribe (sorry, to offer aid) to African countries in return for taking back their nationals. The sum on offer was not nearly sufficient to solve their problems of poverty, said the African leaders unsurprisingly. (Not that anybody had considered the problem of forcibly deporting unwilling African migrants back to their home countries, even if their leaders had accepted the cash.) By the end, even smugly liberal Sweden was saying that it could not cope and would be – guess what? – restoring border checks “temporarily”. It’s important to remember that, even before Paris, the president of the EU Council, Donald Tusk was declaring apocalyptically that Schengen was under existential threat.
Now, the outrage over what the open borders principle made possible – the untrammelled movement of organised murderers into and out EU countries – is being appeased with emollient talk about how Schengen might be limited to a smaller number of states or be modified to allow random checks of individuals. But the talking shops of EU ministers can churn out as many of these mock solutions as they like: governments are still (mercifully) accountable to their electorates. They will do whatever their people believe to be necessary for their own security, and they will be justified in doing that.
But it is not only the free movement of peoples and goods (which turned out to include Kalashnikovs) which has come into question. Along with the right to “tighten” France’s borders, whatever that turns out to mean in practice, François Hollande also demanded – and got – permission to ignore EU budget limits so that he could increase government spending on security and defence.

So, to return to my original question: what’s left? If national borders may be reinstated by individual governments either with hasty barbed wire or officially reconstituted checkpoints, and EU budget rules can be thrown out whenever circumstances require, what does the authority of the EU Commission and Council and Parliament amount to? Possible answer: a largely useless, self-perpetuating, massively overpaid bureaucracy presiding over Potemkin institutions whose deliberations count for nothing when the lives of real people living under real governments are at stake.
It comes down to this: why couldn’t the EU with all its self-important, overweening officialdom produce a realistic plan for securing its external borders and dealing with the migrant influx? Possible answer: because that would have involved exactly the cooperation, solidarity and mutual support that the EU was supposed to represent but which we now know evaporates under pressure.

The conclusion is inescapable: the institutions of the EU are not fit for purpose and its conception of democracy is a sham. There is a good reason why member states cannot simply put aside their own interests and the concerns of their own populations for the sake of a Europe-wide policy: because their internal democracy is the real thing.
The governments of France, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria – all caught up in this chaotic, and now terrifying situation – are responsible in the most direct and incontrovertible sense, to their own electorates. It will not do to condemn this as “populism”. To accede to the wishes of your own population, or even to grant that their anxieties are not groundless, is the proper business of democratic accountability. If elected governments dismiss the resentments of their populations, then those populations will dismiss them. And if voters become sufficiently alienated from all the decent political parties, they will turn to the indecent ones.

"How do you subsume the contradictory wishes and needs of different countries, each with its own mandated government?"

This is serious. Even in the liberal fastnesses of northern Europe there are growing neo-fascist movements. Perhaps the EU has failed to realise how much people value the hold they have over their own elected politicians.
So surely David Cameron has missed the real opportunity of the moment with his list of four demands (three of which are platitudes and the other one sounds like an opening gambit) for a renegotiated relationship with the EU. It is not just the UK’s position that needs to be reformed: it is the nature of the relations of all the member states with their transnational, over-arching institutions. The dream of the EU architects – to abolish individual nation states with their separately elected governments – cannot be openly admitted because it was never agreed to by the peoples of those nations, nor would it ever be.
So the crucial question cannot be put: how do you subsume the contradictory wishes and needs of different countries, each with its own mandated government, under one super-European authority which has no democratic mandate at all?
As it is, the leaders of some of those states will simply go rogue when it suits them, dismissing the agreed rules and then perhaps, at a time of their choosing, reinstituting them with impunity. Or else all the leaders will simply ignore rulings which they see as unworkable and unacceptable to their own people. Surely this has become untenable. It isn’t the future of the UK’s membership that needs to be re-thought: it’s the whole European project. Perhaps Mr Cameron might argue that we should stay in – as he seems determined to do anyway – precisely in order to participate in this reconstruction which even the principal founding nations seem ready to accept is necessary.

The Schengen Agreement
Photo credit: Alamy

What is it?
An agreement, signed in 1985 in the town of Schengen in Luxembourg, to remove border checks within Europe. It means anyone, regardless of nationality, can move freely between member states without showing a passport or visa

Who is a member?
Not the UK. But most EU states are in, as are Switzerland, Iceland and Norway. In total, 26 countries comprising 400 million people

Why is it under strain?
Terrorists and mass migration. Police checks have been brought in on the Italian border at the request of Bavaria, amid a wave of non-EU migrants attempting to reach Germany. Angela Merkel warns the system will be pulled apart unless countries share asylum seekers. And Belgium wants more ID checks on trains in the wake of the Thalys train terrorist attack

Are checks legal?
Police are allowed to make targeted 'security' checks on the border, and states can impose border controls in an emergency or for major events for up to 30 days. But permanent, systematic checks on passports are forbidden

What does the European Union say?
Jean Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, says the system is non-negotiable, irreversible, and the EU's greatest achievement

What do Eurosceptics say?
"Schengen has now hit the buffers of the real world and is falling apart," says Nigel Farage, Ukip leadereDoJobRkVTZ2owcqBNtQ5UN-Wp">

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