sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2015

Depois de Cecil, foi morto o maior elefante em mais 30 anos / Biggest elephant killed in Africa for almost 30 years brings back memories of Cecil the lion

Depois de Cecil, foi morto o maior elefante em mais 30 anos
OBSERVADOR / 16-10-2015

Três meses depois da morte do leão Cecil no Zimbabwe, agora um alemão pagou mais de 50 mil euros para caçar o maior elefante em mais de 30 anos.
Três meses depois da morte do leão Cecil, provocada por um dentista americano e que chocou o mundo, agora é a vez de um elefante cair por terra. Mas este não era um elefante qualquer. E já está a criar polémica.

Este era um dos maiores elefantes em África. Teria entre 40 e 60 anos e só os dentes pesariam mais de 50 quilos e vivia no Parque Nacional de Gonarezhou no Zimbabwe, local onde foi morto. Mas nunca fora visto nessa região – até agora. Ou seja, até à publicação de uma fotografia, tirada pouco tempo depois da morte do animal, onde um caçador furtivo alemão aparece a posar junto ao enorme animal. Pensa-se que este foi o maior elefante morto em mais de 30 anos.

Como conta o Telegraph, o animal foi morto no dia 8 de outubro, durante uma caçada privada junto a Gonarezhou por um caçador que pagou qualquer coisa como 60.000 dólares (cerca de 52 mil euros) para o efeito. O orgulho demonstrado pelo alemão tem uma razão: é que este deveria ser um dos maiores elefantes em solo africano e foi, na estimativa dos especialistas, o maior elefante morto em mais de 30 anos.

O gestor de uma empresa de safaris fotográficos em Gonarezhou, Anthony Kaschula, publicou as fotografias da caçada no Facebook, e escreveu, citado pelo Telegraph, que “nós não temos nenhum controlo sobre a caça furtiva, mas temos controlo sobre a política de caça que deve reconhecer que animais como este têm mais valor vivos do que mortos.”

A grande diferença entre este elefante e o leão Cecil reside no fato do primeiro apenas se ter tornado conhecido do publico em geral depois de ter sido morto. Já Cecil era um dos animais mais acarinhados e conhecidos no Zimbabwe.

Especula-se que o elefante chamava-se Nkombo, e que lhe foi colocada uma coleira para registar os seus movimentos por satélite no Parque Nacional Kruger, na África do Sul. Nkombo perdeu a sua coleira em 2014 e pensa-se agora que o elefante terá migrado para o Zimbabwe onde teve o encontro fatal com o alemão que acabou por lhe tirar a vida.

Biggest elephant killed in Africa for almost 30 years brings back memories of Cecil the lion

Exclusive: German hunter pays nearly £40,000 to shoot one of the largest elephants ever seen in Zimbabwe, while conservationists and safari guides mourn the loss of ‘magnificent’ animal

By Peta Thornycroft, and Aislinn Laing in Johannesburg10:14AM BST 16 Oct 2015

It is an image that will haunt conservationists: one of Africa’s most majestic creatures lying dead on the ground as a white Western hunter poses proudly by its side.
Barely three months after the shooting of Cecil the lion caused global outrage, a German hunter has risked the wrath of animal lovers once more by shooting dead one of the largest elephants ever seen in Zimbabwe.

Mystery surrounded the identity of the elephant, which was estimated to have been between 40 and 60 years old, but had never been seen before in Zimbabwe’s southern Gonarezhou National Park.
But its tusks, which almost touch the ground in a photograph taken moments after its shooting, confirmed its exceptional nature, weighing a combined 120lb.

It was shot on October 8 in a private hunting concession bordering Gonarezhou by a hunter who paid $60,000 (£39,000) for a permit to land a large bull elephant and was accompanied by a local, experienced professional hunter celebrated by the hunting community for finding his clients large elephants.
The German national, who the hunt’s organisers have refused to name, had travelled to Zimbabwe to conduct a 21-day game hunt including the Big Five of elephants, leopards, lions, buffalo and rhinoceros.

“Individual elephants such as these should be accorded their true value as a National Heritage and should be off limits to hunting"
Anthony Kaschula, Safari firm owner

The kill was celebrated in hunting forums around the world, where it was suggested he might have been the biggest elephant killed in Africa for almost 30 years.
Conservationists and photographic safari operators in the area expressed their outrage on Thursday night, saying the animal was one of a kind and should have been preserved for all to see.
Anthony Kaschula, who operates a photographic safari firm in Gonarezhou, posted pictures of the hunt on Facebook, said the elephant had never been seen in the area before but would have been celebrated by visitors and locals alike.
“We have no control over poaching but we do have control over hunting policy that should acknowledge that animals such as this one are of far more value alive (to both hunters and non-hunters) than dead,” he wrote.
“Individual elephants such as these should be accorded their true value as a National Heritage and should be off limits to hunting. In this case, we have collectively failed to ensure that legislation is not in place to help safeguard such magnificent animals.”
Unlike Cecil, the black-maned lion beloved by tourists who was shot by American dentist Walter Palmer in Hwange National Park using a bow and arrow in July, the animal’s origin was not immediately known.

It was speculated that he might have come up from South Africa, since there is no border between the Kruger National Park and Gonarezhou, which form part of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park created by former South African president Nelson Mandela.
Some suggested that the elephant might be a massive bull called Nkombo, who was a satellite collared elephant from the Kruger who lost his collar in 2014. Nkombo was however spotted in the Kruger on October 3, making it unlikely that he would have completed a journey of several hundred miles in five days.

William Mabasa, of South Africa’s National Parks, said Kruger’s elephant experts were looking into the case. “If this elephant came up from the Kruger, he would have had to go through all the communities on the edge of Gonarezhou and someone would have seen him. It’s not possible.”
Louis Muller, chairman of the Zimbabwe Professional Hunters & Guides Association, said the hunter had only realised how large the “tusker” was once he had been shot.
"He told me when he and his client were stalking this elephant he saw the tusks were big but did not realise just how big until afterwards and he saw them close. He is going back to see if he can find the lower jaw and bring it back so we can accurately age this elephant,” he told The Telegraph.
"We checked everywhere and this elephant has never been seen before, not in Zimbabwe nor Kruger. We would have known it because its tusks are huge. There have been five or six giant tuskers shot in the last year or so, and we knew all of them, but none as big as this one.”

He said his organisation had suggested that unique elephants should be collared to protect them from hunting. “We have suggested before to all concerned parties that each elephant area should collar a few with biggest tusks, so that we do not shoot them,” he said. "Nobody responded to our suggestion last year. We believe this might now be taken seriously.”
The man who helped arrange the hunt, who did not want to be named, defended his client. “This was a legal hunt and the client did nothing wrong,” he said. “We hunters have thick skins and we know what the greenies will say. This elephant was probably 60 years old and had spread its seed many many times over.”
He said his organisation paid as much as 70 per cent of its hunting fees back to the local community and observed quotas for animals. “This is good for Zimbabwe and good for local people,” he said. “It’s not uncommon for hunters to spend $100,000 (£64,551) each trip.”
Meanwhile Zimbabwe National Parks has called for stiffer penalties for poachers following the discovery on Tuesday of 26 more elephant carcasses that died of cyanide poisoning at two different locations in the Hwange National Park.
Cyanide poisoning is a growing problem in the country since a mass poisoning in October 2013 resulted in up to 100 deaths.
The 26 elephants were discovered by rangers following another discovery last week of 14 other elephants, also poisoned to death by cyanide.

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