segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Merkel recebe Tsipras para tentar acalmar os ânimos / How German voters are losing patience with Greece / GUARDIAN

Merkel recebe Tsipras para tentar acalmar os ânimos
 PÚBLICO / 23-3-2015

Angela Merkel recebe hoje Alexis Tsipras em Berlim para tentar acalmar a tensão entre uma Grécia superendividada que quer acabar com a austeridade e uma Alemanha que mantém uma das linhas mais duras entre os países credores europeus.
A chanceler alemã, que já se encontrou com o seu homólogo grego na passada quinta-feira numa minicimeira em Bruxelas, afirmou que deseja este encontro “com a ideia de que as divergências de opinião possam evoluir para uma convergência”.
Este primeiro frente-a-frente deverá contribuir para atenuar o clima tóxico que se instalou entre Atenas e Berlim depois da eleição do Governo de esquerda radical no final de Janeiro numa Grécia economicamente asfixiada. Um clima particularmente nefasto numa altura em que se joga a permanência, ou não, do país na zona euro.
Para Hajo Funke, politólogo da Universidade Livre de Berlim, estas tensões ilustram o “confronto entre dois mundos”.
De um lado, “um Governo grego de esquerda, socialmente empenhado e confrontado com um desmoronamento da sociedade como nenhum país da Europa Ocidental viveu depois de 1945”, descreve Funke. Do outro, a Alemanha, “país satisfeito, visto como economicamente feliz e potência dominante da Europa, preocupado em preservar a sua relativa boa saúde económica”.
Na sexta- feira, Alexis Tsipras comprometeu- se em Bruxelas a concretizar mais rapidamente as promessas de reformas acordadas com o Eurogrupo, enquanto a Comissão Europeia colocou à disposição de Atenas “dois mil milhões de euros para o ano de 2015”, provenientes de fundos estruturais não utilizados.
Mas a disponibilização da ajuda financeira necessária para o Estado grego se manter à tona (7,2 mil milhões de euros) continua dependente da luz verde dos ministros das Finanças da zona euro.
“O tempo está contado para a Grécia”, avisou Wolfgang Schäuble, ministro das Finanças de Angela Merkel, que não esconde o seu enfado em relação a Atenas. “Até agora, ninguém percebeu o que é que o Governo grego quer”, disse no início da semana.
“Jogo tóxico”
As tiradas recorrentes deste defensor do rigor, que já foi caricaturado em uniforme nazi por um jornal satírico grego, está a envenenar as relações entre os dois países, queixou-se o ministro grego da Defesa.
A Alemanha, por seu lado, queixa-se do estilo de Yanis Varoufakis, ministro grego das Finanças omnipresente nos meios de comunicação social. Um vídeo onde ele aparece a mostrar o dedo do meio aos credores do país, num debate de 2013, provocou uma vaga de indignação entre os alemães, mas ninguém sabe ao certo se as imagens são verdadeiras ou se se trata de uma montagem. O ministro nega.
A vontade de Atenas de exigir reparações à Alemanha pelos crimes nazis da Segunda Guerra, dossier que Berlim considera jurídica e politicamente fechado, veio exacerbar ainda mais a crispação numa altura em que os eleitores alemães se mostram cada vez mais hostis aos planos de resgate dos países do Sul da Europa.
Esta exasperação geral exprimese com violência nas páginas do poderoso tablóide Bild. No final de Fevereiro, quando o Parlamento votou a favor de um prolongamento do programa de auxílio financeiro à Grécia, o jornal publicou selfies dos seus leitores que foram convidados a dizer um rotundo “nein”.
No seu blogue, num texto publicado na sexta-feira, Varoufakis apelou aos gregos e alemães a “porem fim ao jogo tóxico de acusações recíprocas e ao apontar de dedos moralizadores que só beneficiam os inimigos da Europa”.

Para lá da guerra de palavras, das caricaturas e do tom demasiado elevado, os governos dos dois países partilham um medo comum: uma saída da Grécia da zona euro que tanto Tsipras como Merkel desejam evitar.

German anti-capitalist protesters show solidarity with Greece at a demonstration against the new European Central Bank headquarters in Frankfurt. Many Germans, however, are feeling more and more resentful. Photograph: Horacio Villalobos/Corbis

How German voters are losing patience with Greece
Amid demands for wartime compensation from Athens, and for deep economic reforms from Berlin, a majority of Germans now want Greece out of the eurozone

Kate Connolly in Berlin

At a newspaper kiosk in Wannsee, a well-to-do suburb in western Berlin, Christiane Schneider picks up her weekly television magazine and a book of suduko puzzles.
She’s focused on finding out what’s on the television, sipping a coffee as she leafs through the listings. But the 67-year old retired bank clerk is easily distracted from the task when the question of Greece is brought up.
“I really don’t know how much longer we should keep patting their backs and telling them everything’s going to be alright – here’s an extra 100m,” she says. “If my son kept coming to me for money to get himself out of trouble, I’d help him immediately, but I’d want to see that he was trying to get out of any mess he’d got himself into, wouldn’t I? I couldn’t afford to keep tossing banknotes in his direction.”
Schneider is not alone in her thinking . According to a poll published a week ago, more than half of Germans would like Greece to leave the eurozone, a rise of more than 10% on February. It is a sentiment that is likely to hang heavily in the air when the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tspiras, makes his first visit to Berlin on Monday.
“It feels a bit like the Emperor’s New Clothes,” says Anton Brandt, referring to the Hans-Christian Andersen fairytale. “It just needs that child to stand up and say: ‘ha! they’re taking the piss out of us all’, but no one dares do it, especially not a German because we’re scared we’ll be accused of being anti-European,” the 38-year old administrator adds. “There’s no worse insult you can make towards a German.”
“The public mood is tipping,” said Thomas Oppermann, chairman of the Social Democrats (SPD) parliamentary group, speaking on a political TV chatshow Hard But Fair, which posed the question: ‘Bankrupt, insulted and brazen – does Greece deserve this image?’
The programme highlighted how any sympathy once felt for the Greeks is quickly drying up as feelings of resentment set in. Not least because Germany is the largest single contributor to Greece’s multibillion-euro bailouts and few see an end in sight to payments as long as Greece fails to implement any of the reforms it has promised. “But we must ask how dangerous would the exit of the weakest member from the eurozone be?” Oppermann added.
For years the German government has repeatedly excluded the possibility of Greece being forced to leave. The chancellor, Angela Merkel, appeared to repeat that conviction at the end of last week during an address to the Bundestag, in which she said: “We have a long and difficult road ahead of us.” But the more feelings of resentment towards Greece fester, the harder it will be for Merkel to keep voters – and members of her own party – on board.
It was no surprise that she drew nervous laughter from some politicians when she said she was looking forward to the opportunity to talk “and perhaps also to argue” with Tsipras. No one is in much doubt that arguing will be more likely than talking when Merkel receives him – with a military guard and a red carpet – at her chancellery.
The atmosphere between Athens and Berlin has soured in recent weeks over calls from Tsipras for Germany to pay war reparations for the Nazi occupation during the second world war.
German chagrin was only stoked further when the Greek defence minister threatened to send 10,000 refugees to Germany, and said he couldn’t guarantee there would not be a few Islamic State (Isis) terrorists among them.
This all followed years of tensions, in which Greek newspapers have repeatedly portrayed Merkel and her finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, as Nazis, and the German media in turn has depicted the Greeks as lazy and corrupt.
While opinions have been divided over the compensation claims, with Merkel’s government insisting the case was legally closed, one German couple took it upon themselves to, as they saw it, right a historical wrong.
On the back of an envelope, Ludwig Zaccaro and Nina Lange calculated that if the compensation claim was divided equally amongst the Germans, their own share would be €875 (£630), and so they paid the amount to a charity supporting austerity-hit families in the town of Nafpolio in the Peloponnese.
“We said ‘this is a symbolic gesture, that if we do this, maybe other Germans will follow’,” Zaccaro said. “It’s time to stop demanding the Greeks pay.”
Georg Franke, a 57-year old market-stall holder in Potsdam, said while he believed the Greek government’s behaviour had been “childish”, he did not find its second world war compensation claims so outlandish.
“The trouble is, Germans know a lot about the atrocities carried out in their name by the Wehrmacht and the SS against the Jews from Germany, Poland and Hungary, as well as the Slavs, but we learnt very little in school about the horrors carried out against the Greeks. It was only recently, around the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, that I saw a documentary which touched on how they [Jewish Greeks] were almost all wiped out and it brought it home to me.”
The reason perhaps for the lack of discussion about the past is that for years, it suited both sides. Greeks began coming to Germany as Gastarbeiter (guestworkers) in their hundreds of thousands from the 1960s onwards. German tourists flocked to Greece’s holiday resorts. Both a mutual respect and a mutual dependency brought them closer together. Today, an estimated 300,000 Greeks live in Germany.
Germans still love to holiday on Greek islands. But Jorge Chatzimarkakis, born in the German city of Duisburg to a Greek Gastarbeiter, a member of the European parliament for the German liberal FPD as well as being a special envoy for the Greek government, in which role he has also demanded compensation and the setting up of a Marshall Plan-style reconstruction fund, said much of the erstwhile goodwill had evaporated since the financial crisis began.
“Relations are now a minefield,” he said. “I would not in my wildest dreams have imagined that there would have been such a hard confrontation course. It scares me.”
Despite the understanding of Franke, the market-stall holder, for the Greeks’ search for recognition for their wartime suffering, he believed, like many Germans, that it was wrong to mix the two issues.
“It makes you suspicious that the sum they’re demanding in compensation - around €300bn – is so amazingly close to the Greek debt total.” But he added that the German word for “debt” and “guilt” – Schuld – is the same. “The Greeks know that and they’re playing on that for all it’s worth,” Franke added.

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